We believe... |
We believe that God loves all people and wants us to enjoy an abundant and fulfilling life. We believe that a wall of separation has grown up between God and us. That wall is called sin. Sin denies us the kind of life that God wants for us. We believe that this wall has been torn down by the sacrificial death of God's Son, Jesus the Messiah. We believe that his resurrection from the dead is God's seal of approval on all Jesus did for us. We believe that the benefits of Christ's resurrection are available to all who receive Jesus by faith. Because of this faith, we desire to serve and obey our Lord and Saviour, by sharing his message with others, and by serving all. We believe that Jesus will someday return to this earth to take all who truly believe in him to eternal glory. Our belief of these things does not make them true. They are true, outlined clearly in God's word the Bible, therefore we believe them.
We believe that there is only one God, that the Bible is the only reliable source of information, and that there is only one true faith and path to an eternal life with God. Through God's grace that path is through Jesus Christ who paid the ultimate price for our sins to restore our relationship with God. "Sin" is anything we have done, said, or thought, that is contrary to the will of God. No one is capable of living a perfect life that is free of sin. All those who admit their sinfulness and believe in Jesus as their one and only Saviour are counted holy in God's eyes and receive eternal life. Although there is only one God, He reveals Himself as three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (the Trinity).
For more information about our beliefs and teachings, please visit any of the following web links:
What Lutherans Believe What Lutherans Believe with Short Explanation 15 Key Elements of our Christian Faith Lutheran Teachings About Various Topics What About?... The Christian's Role in God's Plan – VIDEO
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